Saturday, August 29, 2009

family of catepillar eating off a leaf from a lime tree on my sister's grave...

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Burying a dead fox.....

I don't know wether she was hit by a car or she fell off the power line.....
But anything dead must be taken care of.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i'm gonna eat you!

Apparently H1N1 had claimed the lives of many people....... I have one recommendation for all. We should perform ablution more often to stop the spread of the disease. The act of ablution or wudhu' should leave us with rather hygienic condition then we should have no qualms in living our life........think about it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Satu Malaysia
Dalam kita menempuh arus pemodenan,
Pastikan tiada yang ketinggalan,
Dalam kita "berseronok-ronokkan",
Pastikan tiada yang dalam penderitaan,

Dari itu marilah semua,
Kita hidupkan Satu Malaysia,
Lupakanlah segala sengsara,
Kita bangunkan Satu Malaysia!!!!

Kerana kita bangsa Malaysia,
Terkenal di seluruh dunia,
Penuh adat dan tatasusila,
Janganlah kita mudah lupa,

Dari itu marilah semua,
Kita hidupkan Satu Malaysia,
Lupakanlah segala sengsara,
Kita bangunkan Satu Malaysia!!!!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Any last words?

A few days back, I had the chance to feel the electricity running through my left arm as I was unscrewing a light bulb with a wet hand and I did not realize that the switch is on. It was a close call as the moment I felt the current running through my vein, My hand automatically kinda like in a feedback response, pull out the light bulb socket from the live wire. I was spared from electrocution because the wiring was frail. Had it been a lot tighter, I dunno what would have happened. But I'm not writing about the fact that I had a close call, but it is the matter I reacted to it that really got me into thinking......If it is my time to leave this world, Are my last words going to be "shit! shit!" ? Naudzubillahimindzalik.... What was I thinking? Megawatts of electricity and I had chosen "Shit! Shit!". It was not the first time. When I was chased by two guard dogs in AU2 Keramat, I scream Shitezer! Shitezer! as I skate away on my flowboard. I guess when you keep on repeating something on and on it will stuck to you. I'll just pray when the time does come I will only have Allah in my mind..........